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Stellarium 0.12.3
This is the complete list of members for MinorPlanet, including all inherited members.
AbsoluteMagnitude enum value | StelObject | |
albedo (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
AltAzi enum value | StelObject | |
atmosphere (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
axisRotation (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
CatalogNumber enum value | StelObject | |
closeOrbit (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
color (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
computeDistance(const Vec3d &obsHelioPos) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
computeModelMatrix(Mat4d &result) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
computePosition(const double date) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
computePositionWithoutOrbits(const double date) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
computeTransMatrix(double date) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
coordFunc (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
deltaJD (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
deltaOrbitJD (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
Distance enum value | StelObject | |
distance (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
draw(StelCore *core, class StelRenderer *renderer, float maxMagLabels, const QFont &planetNameFont, SharedPlanetGraphics &planetGraphics) | Planet | |
draw3dModel(StelCore *core, class StelRenderer *renderer, SharedPlanetGraphics &planetGraphics, StelProjector::ModelViewTranformP transfo, float screenSz) | Planet | protected |
drawEarthShadow(StelCore *core, class StelRenderer *renderer, SharedPlanetGraphics &planetGraphics) (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
drawHints(const StelCore *core, class StelRenderer *renderer, const QFont &planetNameFont, SharedPlanetGraphics &planetGraphics) (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
drawOrbit(const StelCore *core, class StelRenderer *renderer) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
drawSphere(class StelRenderer *renderer, StelProjectorP projector, const struct StelLight *light, SharedPlanetGraphics &planetGraphics, float screenSz) | Planet | protected |
drawUnlitSphere(class StelRenderer *renderer, StelProjectorP projector) | Planet | protected |
eclipticPos (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
englishName (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
Extra1 enum value | StelObject | |
Extra2 enum value | StelObject | |
Extra3 enum value | StelObject | |
flagLabels (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
flagLighting (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
GalCoordJ2000 enum value | StelObject | |
getAltAzPosApparent(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getAltAzPosAuto(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getAltAzPosGeometric(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getAngularSize(const StelCore *core) const | Planet | virtual |
getCloseViewFov(const StelCore *core) const | Planet | virtual |
getDistance(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getEclipticPos() const | Planet | |
getElongation(const Vec3d &obsPos) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getEnglishName(void) const | Planet | inlinevirtual |
getEquinoxEquatorialPos(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getFlagHints(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getFlagLabels(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getFlagOrbits(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getHeliocentricEclipticPos() const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getHeliocentricPos(Vec3d) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getInfoColor(void) const | Planet | virtual |
getInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const | MinorPlanet | virtual |
getJ2000EquatorialPos(const StelCore *core) const | Planet | virtual |
getJ2000GalacticPos(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getLabelColor(void) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inlinestatic |
getMeanSolarDay(void) const | Planet | |
getNameI18n(void) const | Planet | inlinevirtual |
getOrbitColor() (defined in Planet) | Planet | inlinestatic |
getParent(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getParentSatellitesFov(const StelCore *core) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | virtual |
getPhase(const Vec3d &obsPos) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getPhaseAngle(const Vec3d &obsPos) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getPositionInfoString(const StelCore *core, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const | StelObject | protected |
getRadius(void) const | Planet | inline |
getRegion() const | StelObject | inlinevirtual |
getRotAscendingnode(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getRotationElements(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getRotEquatorialToVsop87(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getRotObliquity(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getSatellitesFov(const StelCore *core) const | Planet | virtual |
getSelectPriority(const StelCore *core) const | Planet | virtual |
getSideralPosApparent(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getSideralPosGeometric(const StelCore *core) const | StelObject | |
getSiderealDay(void) const | Planet | inline |
getSiderealPeriod() const | MinorPlanet | |
getSiderealTime(double jd) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getSkyLabel(const StelCore *core) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
getSphereScale(void) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getSpheroidAngularSize(const StelCore *core) const (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
getTextMapName() const (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
getType(void) const | Planet | inlinevirtual |
getVMagnitude(const StelCore *core, bool withExtinction=false) const | MinorPlanet | virtual |
hasAtmosphere(void) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inlinevirtual |
hidden (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
hintFader (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
HourAngle enum value | StelObject | |
InfoStringGroup typedef (defined in StelObject) | StelObject | |
InfoStringGroupFlags enum name | StelObject | |
labelColor (defined in Planet) | Planet | protectedstatic |
labelsFader (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
lastJD (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
lastOrbitJD (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
litSphere | Planet | protected |
Magnitude enum value | StelObject | |
MinorPlanet(const QString &englishName, int flagLighting, double radius, double oblateness, Vec3f color, float albedo, const QString &texMapName, posFuncType _coordFunc, void *userDataPtr, OsculatingFunctType *osculatingFunc, bool closeOrbit, bool hidden, const QString &pType) (defined in MinorPlanet) | MinorPlanet | |
Name enum value | StelObject | |
nameI18 (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
oneMinusOblateness (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
orbit (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
orbitCached (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
orbitColor (defined in Planet) | Planet | static |
orbitFader (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
orbitP (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
orbitVertices | Planet | |
osculatingFunc (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
parent (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
PlainText enum value | StelObject | |
Planet(const QString &englishName, int flagLighting, double radius, double oblateness, Vec3f color, float albedo, const QString &texMapName, posFuncType _coordFunc, void *userDataPtr, OsculatingFunctType *osculatingFunc, bool closeOrbit, bool hidden, bool hasAtmosphere, const QString &pType) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
postProcessInfoString(QString &str, const InfoStringGroup &flags) const | StelObject | protected |
previousScreenPos (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
pType (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
Q_FLAGS(InfoStringGroup) static const InfoStringGroupFlags AllInfo | StelObject | |
RaDecJ2000 enum value | StelObject | |
RaDecOfDate enum value | StelObject | |
radius (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
re (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
renderProvisionalDesignationinHtml(QString plainText) | MinorPlanet | static |
rings (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
rotLocalToParent (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
satellites (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
screenPos (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
setAbsoluteMagnitudeAndSlope(double magnitude, double slope) | MinorPlanet | |
setFlagHints(bool b) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
setFlagLabels(bool b) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
setFlagOrbits(bool b) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
setHeliocentricEclipticPos(const Vec3d &pos) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
setLabelColor(const Vec3f &lc) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inlinestatic |
setMinorPlanetNumber(int number) | MinorPlanet | |
setOrbitColor(const Vec3f &oc) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inlinestatic |
setProvisionalDesignation(QString designation) | MinorPlanet | |
setRings(Ring *r) (defined in Planet) | Planet | inline |
setRotationElements(float _period, float _offset, double _epoch, float _obliquity, float _ascendingNode, float _precessionRate, double _siderealPeriod) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
setRotEquatorialToVsop87(const Mat4d &m) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
setSemiMajorAxis(double value) | MinorPlanet | |
setSphereScale(float s) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
ShortInfo | StelObject | static |
Size enum value | StelObject | |
sphereScale (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
texMapName (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
texture (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
translateName(StelTranslator &trans) | MinorPlanet | virtual |
unlitSphere | Planet | protected |
update(int deltaTime) (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
userDataPtr (defined in Planet) | Planet | protected |
~MinorPlanet() (defined in MinorPlanet) | MinorPlanet | |
~Planet() (defined in Planet) | Planet | |
~StelObject() (defined in StelObject) | StelObject | inlinevirtual |
~StelRegionObject(void) (defined in StelRegionObject) | StelRegionObject | inlinevirtual |